Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Digital Hello's

This afternoon, a had a short little skype visit with Stephanie Olson's grade 5/6 class. It was great seeing the kids live in their classroom as Stephanie introduced the kids that I was mentoring over the past couple of weeks. They would take turns standing up and wave hello. The student's also asked me some questions. They were mainly interested in knowing where Chile was, and whether I was born there.
Than came business. The students had made 10-15 second long book report using their mac computers. I was astonished to find out that they had 64 mac computers at the school for the students to use (More than what the class needed). Now they had to upload them on their blogs. I instructed the class, via webcam, how to upload them using their blogger accounts, or if last resort, using youtube. Like any class, we ran into some trouble, but by the end of it, more than half the class had their video's up and running, as others helped eachother. It was fun seeing them, and having contribute to the class learning experience today. Stephanie and I hope to organize another skype call before the mentorship is over.


  1. I hope so that was AWESOME!!! I can't wait!

  2. Thanks for skypeing us and get to talk to us in porson.

  3. Thanks for skyping us Alex. You taught us a lot about yourself and about blogs. Thanks!!!
    Hopefully we can skype again soon!!!

  4. thank-you very much for writing about our class and I thought it was really cool that how you could be on our screen and hear what we were saying haha bye now !

  5. Thanks for helping us and Hanging with us that day we had a lot of fun!!!!From Lexy......Alexis

  6. thank-you for writing about use and i hope you skype back soon!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I am so glad that we could skype. It helped and I hope that you can check out my blog too.


  8. Thank you for skypeing and hangin' with us that afternoon! we were pretty exited when we were told that we were going to meet you in"person"!!!
